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Alliances & Partnerships

Give your business a better chance at success by having qualidev as your technology partner.

Our partners 

Become a partner

As a qualidev partner, you will access the largest B2B network in the MENA region. We will establish a frame work for your partner enablement program and enhancing your business to reach its ultimate business and technological goals.

Networking on a limitless scale, qualidev embraces successful partnerships with common connections and goals, which leads to one of our main missions in achieving market maturity awareness, having transparency in knowledge and efficient procedures in conflict resolution.

By identifying your weakness and strengths, we will be able to deliver the best possible operation service to your company or enterprise. By co-selling, operation optimization, customer engagement and service transformation or enhancement.

qualidev will assist and consult technology experts for your solution or innovation at any given time. Providing team support on demand and high level customer engagement for critical operations.

Become a Partner

Open innovation network

Growing together to become better, incorporating solutions and tailoring them to serve particular needs in all industries.

By joining the open innovation network, you will be able to integrate your solution with any innovation in order to introduce a new product into the market, that can help open new gateways for and for new services .

qualidev will take your solution to the next level, insuring technology readiness level and market readiness level.

Crowdsourcing your innovation, developing and giving it the right tools to penetrate the market. Finding the best ways to serve all market needs internally and externally, while also adding value to customers.

Join our Network

Contact us to secure your IT needs.

Let’s work together